St Thomas à Becket C of E Primary School

EQUA Trust


Contact us: 01980 620435 or

We warmly welcome prospective parents to come and visit our school.  Please contact the office to make an appointment. We are always delighted to talk to families individually and to show them our school on a normal school day.

Foundation Stage Applications

You can apply to our school for a place in the Foundation Stage (the first year of school for children who will turn five years old during that year) by completing an application form available through our school. 

In Year Applications

If you are looking for a place in a year group other than the Foundation Stage at St Thomas à Becket Primary School because you have recently moved into the area or your child is at another primary school and you feel that a change of school would benefit their education and/or general well-being you are entitled to apply for a place. This is called an “In -Year” admission, even if you move at the start of a new academic year.

Since September 2013, the law allows you to apply directly to St Thomas a Becket. Please contact our admin officer (contact details above) to request an in-year admission form or download a form (See below). Please note that there is no guarantee that a place will be available but you have the right to appeal if you are refused a place.

Following determination of Admission arrangements, any objections to those arrangements must be made to the Schools Adjudicator by 15 May of the year in which they are determined.

Admission Documents

Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025

Wiltshire Council - Applying for a school place